A Classic Ride
Limousine Service, LLC
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Contact Us

A Classic Ride Limousine Service, LLC
Why Just Show Up?
Arrive In Style!

For Reservations and Short Rides


Contact Information

In this area, you can enter text about your contact form. You may want to explain what happens after a visitor submits the form and include a contact phone number.

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Address Street 1:
Address Street 2:
Zip Code: (5 digits)
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:


Wanna Ride?

We offer tours tailor made for you.  We go where you want, when you want, for as long as you want.  Short tours or all day packages available for your touring pleasure.

Vans, shuttles or tour buses usually aren't able to give the personal attention and services that A Classic Ride Limousine Service enjoys providing.

From Waikiki to Diamond Head, or Diamond Head to the North Shore our Affordable Prices and flexible schedule make it easy to have a unique tour or ride at your convenience and pleasure.

Don't wait,  call today for a unique and fun Classic Ride.
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